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If your organisation would like to contract independent research reports or sponsor an LSE research project, don't hesitate to get in touch. We do executive and inspirational training, research reports, workshops, and policy advisory.



  • Clients include: Nokia, ETNO, IBM, Microsoft, Tata Consultancy Services, MacAfee, Deutsche Telecom Consulting (Detecon), and Dell, to mention a few.
  • As a listed LSE Expert, you can access my research profile here or email on p.a.karrberg@lse.ac.uk






Recent Projects

LSE-Microsoft Study (Nov 2011-)
Employment effects of adapting cloud computing in the smartphone service and aerospace industry in Turkey.

LSE-Nokia report launch (17 Oct) » "Nearfield communications: Privacy, regulation and businesss models"
The report was launched in conjunction with a public lecture at London School of Economics

LSE-Microsoft Study (Mar 2011) »

Employment effects of adapting cloud computing in the smartphone service and aerospace industry. Report launched on 30h Jan 2012 in Brussels at an impressive Microsoft event.

Research project w. ETNO (Feb) »

Telecoms and contents related business strategy and policy development.
(Link to press release)


LSE Study (July 2010):

Next Generation Broadband Investments

Effects on next generation broadband investments by the new EU Commission Recommendation

LSE-Dell Study (2009-2010): 
The Efficient Enterprise »
 7-country comparison with first report launched in Amsterdam, Nov 2009


LSE-ITIF Study (09):
Britain's Digital Road to Recovery »

How many jobs are created by UK IT investments? Referenced by Lord Carter's  "Digital Britain" report


LSE-TCS (Tata, 08):

Innovation in the boarderlands »

White papers on innovation & new telecom business models

MBA Executive Teacher (07-09):
EU Telecom strategies, regulation and convergence for Korean managers

LSE-McAfee Study (06):
CIOs and IT Security Breaches »
How do banks manage and organise for information security?





Patrik Kärrberg